
European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)

Entidad - Asociación de CEEIs Europeos

Bruselas Bélgica

es | val | en

EBN is a network of around 150 quality-certified EU|BICs (business and innovation centres) and 100 other organisations that support the development and growth of innovative entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs.

EBN is also a community of professionals whose day-to-day work helps these businesses to grow in the most effective, efficient and sustainable way.

ebn, asociación europa ceeis, bics



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Avenue de Tervueren 168
Bruselas Bélgica



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Últimas publicaciones

EU|BIC Excellence Award 2025: Green Transition

Actualidad · Convocatoria

EU|BIC Excellence Award 2025: Green Transition 

Awarding the most impactful entrepreneurship support programmes in the Green Transition

The EU|BIC Excellence Awards are back!  This year, we celebrate and recognise the impact of the EU|BIC Awards in supporting businesses and...


2025 EBN Congress

Agenda · Congresos

2025 EBN Congress 

El miércoles, 18 de junio de 2025

Clean energy trasition | 18-20 June in Barakaldo, Spain

The largest gathering of incubators, accelerators, innovation hubs, and innovation promoters across Europe, EBN Congress 2025 will bring together...


TechCamp 2024

Agenda · Jornadas

TechCamp 2024 

El martes, 19 de noviembre de 2024

19-21 de noviembre en Dublín

EBN Techcamp 2024 offers a remarkable immersive learning and networking experience right at the heart of the vibrant entrepreneurial innovation...


The EBN network launches a survey on the impact of COVID in entrepreneurship centers

Actualidad · Noticia

The EBN network launches a survey on the impact of COVID in entrepreneurship centers 

Impact, solutions, and the future ahead

Tourism plays a major role in the EU economy. According to the European Commission, it is the third largest socio-economic activity in the EU and has...


2024 EBN Congress

Agenda · Congresos

2024 EBN Congress 

El miércoles, 12 de junio de 2024

'Supporting sustainable industry' 12-14 June in Nantes

Brought to you by EBN and EU|BIC Atlanpole, the 2024 EBN Congress will gather innovation experts, business incubation executives, corporate leaders,...


TechCamp 2023

Agenda · Jornadas

TechCamp 2023 

El miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

On the 18th-20th of October in Coventry University campus in the UK

EBN Techcamp 2023 will create opportunities for relationship-building with renowned innovation advocates and sector leaders, helping you understand...


2023 EBN Congress

Agenda · Congresos

2023 EBN Congress 

El martes, 13 de junio de 2023

Innovation in uncertain times

Join EBN2023, the largest gathering of incubators, accelerators, science parks, innovation hubs and innovation supporters of all kinds in Europe....


2022 EBN Congress

Agenda · Congresos

2022 EBN Congress 

El martes, 24 de mayo de 2022

Transition Towards 2030

OBJECTIVES Meet peers and future partners: develop a global network of leaders, experts and decision-makers. Gain exclusive access to shared...


Space-technologies for Farming

Agenda · Webinar

Space-technologies for Farming 

El martes, 25 de enero de 2022

With expert Joaquín Reyes

OBJECTIVE The first webinar will focus on agriculture to promote Earth Observation (EO) services and Europe's Global Navigation Satellite System...


2021 EU|BIC Impact Report 'Emergent Futures'

Archivos · Archivo - descargable

2021 EU|BIC Impact Report 'Emergent Futures' 

Our EU|BIC community has shown its best sides and has attracted the attention of policymakers locally and globally eager to forge new directions forward towards greater wellbeing and socio-economic development – fostered by a resilient and connected network of innovation actors. 2020...


EBN 2021 Congress: Emergent Futures

Agenda · Congresos

EBN 2021 Congress: Emergent Futures 

El martes, 14 de septiembre de 2021

Online event 14 and 15 september

EBN 2020 Congress. Regional ecosystems that shape European innovation. The pandemic is not the only crisis we’re facing in 2020. Current megatrends...


Green Disruption Summit Iberia

Agenda · Conferencias

Green Disruption Summit Iberia 

El jueves, 17 de junio de 2021

Ready for green challenge

Organized by EU|BIC FUNDECYT-PCTEx, through the Office for Innovation and the Enterprise Europe Network, the Green Disruption Summit is the first...


Cast Final Conference

Agenda · Conferencias

Cast Final Conference 

El martes, 29 de junio de 2021

Creative Acceleration for Sustainable Tourism

iCAST is pleased to invite you to its final conference! On 29 June we will celebrate the best creative, sustainable and digital business solutions...


EU|BIC Essentials Track

Agenda · Curso Online

EU|BIC Essentials Track 

El viernes, 05 de febrero de 2021

This five-module training provides a comprehensive guide in all segments of the incubation chain

OBJECTIVES Module 1: Discover all about the values, missions and standards that underpin the European Certified EU|BIC community Module 2: Learn...


Webinar: How to build a successful pitch

Agenda · Seminarios

Webinar: How to build a successful pitch 

El miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

In the webinar, innovative projects and SMEs will also get the opportunity to learn how the InnoRate platform

In a 60-minute session dedicated to European SMEs seeking practical tips on how to build a succesful pitch, Jacopo Losso (Director of the European...


The EBN network launches a survey on the impact of COVID in entrepreneurship centers

Actualidad · Noticia

The EBN network launches a survey on the impact of COVID in entrepreneurship centers 

Impact, solutions, and the future ahead

Tourism plays a major role in the EU economy. According to the European Commission, it is the third largest socio-economic activity in the EU and has...


How to Build a Succesful Pitch – Presentation and Q&A with Jacopo Losso

Agenda · Webinar

How to Build a Succesful Pitch – Presentation and Q&A with Jacopo Losso 

El miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

Key content to include and how to make your company attractive to investors

For this webinar, we are very happy to present Jacopo Losso, director of EBAN, the leading network for business angels across Europe. Having worked...


Getting investment ready | InnoRate

Agenda · Webinar

Getting investment ready | InnoRate 

El miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020

Interactive Q&A Session

This 60-minute session is for European SMEs seeking practical tips on how to get investment ready and how to ensure that their business is attractive...


Funding Forum - Funding for Science and Innovation by Enrich in China

Agenda · Foros

Funding Forum - Funding for Science and Innovation by Enrich in China 

El martes, 20 de octubre de 2020

Funding Forum is a one-stop-shop event about funding opportunities in Europe, China, and USA for researchers, startups and SMEs. Doing research, inventing and pushing innovation is impossible without funding. Researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs need funds! This event will bring in...


Webinar: Exit Strategy

Agenda · Webinar

Webinar: Exit Strategy 

El jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020

Thursday, 17 September 2020

AGENDA Different Approaches Begin at the End Drive Value and the Exit will come to you The Research & the Evidence Where to...



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