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The Valencian company BioInicia wins the "Innovation Radar Prize"

In the category of "Best Innovation in the Early Stage"

Bioinicia S.L.

Bioinicia S.L.

Publicado el viernes, 07 de diciembre de 2018 a las 13:54

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Bioinicia Premio Mejor Innovación en Etapa Temprana

The European Commission has awarded the most promising digital innovations in Europe that emerge from research and innovation projects funded by the EU: the Radar Innovation Prize 2018. The awards ceremony took place at ICT 2018 of the European Commission in Vienna, Austria, on December 6. Five other EU-funded innovators also won prizes at the awards ceremony.

The winners were also announced in each of the following five categories:

The winner of the Best Early Stage Innovation category is BioInicia (Spain) for its breakthrough in adhesion to the surface that can revolutionize the efficiency of solar panels and food packaging.
Bioinicia is currently in dialogue with the food industry, health products and cosmetic packaging and also with retailers, to introduce their water and oil repelling technology in commercial applications

The winner of the category of Excellent Science is the Technical University of Denmark for its technology that can laser print ultra thin optical lenses for the mass market.

The winner of the category of industrial technology and enabler is New Infrared Technologies (Spain) for its innovative use of infrared images to offer real-time control of laser power.

The winner of the Best Young SME category is Multiwave Technologies (Switzerland) for its metamaterial technology that improves the signals captured by the latest generation MRI systems.

The winner of the Tech for Society category is the University of Iceland for 'Sound of Vision', its portable assistance system that helps people with visual impairments navigate better in the world around them.
Experts and professionals from the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) offered their specific support and advice to each finalist in the preparation of their launches.  in ICT2018.

About the Radar Innovation Award

The innovation radar is an EC initiative to identify high-potential and innovative innovations in research and innovation projects funded by the EU. 48 of the best innovators funded by the EU have been identified through this initiative to compete with their innovation funded by the EU in five categories for the Radar Innovation Award 2018. These SMEs, university teams, spin-offs and start-ups reflect the diversity of funds financed by the EU. Research and innovation and come from all corners of Europe.

The first stage of the competition was held for 2 weeks, when the public was able to vote on the Futurium website for the innovators and innovations in the long list that impressed them the most. More than 50,000 votes were cast by the public and selected the 20 finalists. The "final" took place in Vienna, where a panel of 4 judges decided the winners based on a 3-minute pitch delivered during a special launch session at ICT2018.

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beatrizsm - 10-12-18


Gracias a todo el equipo por vuestro apoyo.

- Bioinicia -


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