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Comienzo: el miércoles, 02 de abril de 2025 a las 08:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 03 de abril de 2025 a las 23:59


The Sheds (Tour & Taxis)

Cobertizo 1

Avenue du Port/Havenlaan 86c B-1000


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Más información e inscripciones

Why Apply?

Access to the main acceleration and investment programme, for European mobility TOP 10 startups. Benefit from:

  • Boost your visibility and international recognition with our prestigious winner label, an Award Ceremony (hundreds of thousands of views in our last editions), media coverage and more!
  • Access a one-stop-shop for multiple financing opportunities with institutional, private investors, VCs and CVCs
  • Top 10 startups will enjoy a 3 months acceleration programme with our co-founder Via ID. Top 4 startups will be accompanied for 6 weeks with strategic consultancy by our co-founder Boston Consulting Group.
  • Fast track to multinational companies’ open innovation departments
  • Present ideas to EU leaders on how to better support European startups in clean mobility.
From applicants to winners

The EUSP has one goal, accelerate the international expansion of the best European mobility startups!

Based on a very selective evaluation process with the best mobility experts:

  • The TOP 50 will benefit from visibility and access to a private Demo Day with EU institutions 50+ European VCs and CVCs.
  • The TOP 10 startups will be supported by our team, and benefit from a 3-month remote acceleration and investment program (lobbying, European expansion, tailored mentoring with Via ID), and funding opportunities (dilutive and non-dilutive).
  • The TOP 4 will receive a tailored business consultancy package by Boston Consulting Group.
  • In addition to the EUSP acceleration and investment program, our Special Prizes can offer access to expertise, POCs, visibility through events, and funding opportunities.



85 visitas

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